OCTOBER 18, 2022
Dermaplaning & Facial Shaving For Women | How-To and Benefits
Do you have dull, DRY skin? Unwanted fine, short hair all over your face? Or often find your makeup looking UNEVEN and CAKEY? Well, you’re not alone! Those are signs that your facial skin could benefit from both facial shaving and dermaplaning which is a common practice in removing facial hair- commonly known as ‘peach fuzz’. And who doesn't want to have smoother, softer skin?
In this blog, we will dive deep into our facial skin and explore the differences of facial shaving and dermaplaning our ‘peach fuzz’ as well as its benefits, whilst debunking its common myths.

What is 'Peach Fuzz'?
'Peach fuzz' is a term used for vellus hair which is the fine, light-coloured hair found on your face and body that resembles the fuzz on the skin of a peach. “Peach fuzz” can be found on the face, neck, back of the hand, and other areas of the human body. For many individuals 'peach fuzz' on their skin is not particularly noticeable unless you look at it closely. However, others may have thicker and more noticeable peach fuzz.
Having 'peach fuzz' is normal, however, removing those thin hairs has significant benefits, and plus it is not dangerous! Check out our Cheekyglo Dermablades!

What is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is a procedure where a sharp blade is used to shave the skin on the face. This process exfoliates your skin and gets rid of dirt and vellus hair, better known as “peach fuzz''. It is also commonly known as microplanning or blading.
Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, youthful, and radiant. This treatment claims to remove deep scarring from acne and uneven pockmarks on your skin.
Benefits of Dermaplaning?
1. Clearer, smoother skin
Once you remove the dead skin and unwanted hairs, your fresh skin cells underneath will be revealed, making your skin look clearer and brighter! The treatment may soften fine lines and wrinkles and ease hyperpigmentation, or uneven skin tone.
2. Deeper skincare product penetration
By removing the fine hairs and dead skin that block our pores, dermaplaning enables other skincare products to absorb and penetrate into our skin more smoothly and effortlessly. Your exfoliated skin can now absorb your toner, serums, and creams better. Ultimately, this will allow you to maximise the benefits of these products. Hell yeah!
3. Smoother makeup application
Say goodbye to cakey and thick makeup! Dermaplaning will remove debris, excess oil and dead skin cells that can brighten the look of the skin. This will allow you to achieve a smoother skin texture which will ultimately create a more flawless look to your makeup.
4. Younger-looking skin
Your skin is exposed daily to harsh environmental toxins, irritants, and sun damage. This can cause the top layer of your skin to appear dull, and it may potentially make you look aged. Dermaplaning clears away those damaged skin as the cell regeneration kicks start, you will be able to notice an improved appearance to your hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines and even acne scars.

Dermaplaning VS Facial Shaving
The basic concept of dermaplaning is the same as shaving. By aiming a sterile blade at a 45-degree angle and dragging it slowly across your skin, you remove dead cells, scar tissue, and other debris that may cause the uneven appearance of your skin’s surface. The only difference is that dermaplaning uses a smaller blade, which cuts closer to the face and therefore sloughs off a lot of debris and dead skin. Dermaplaning can get so deep, in fact, that it can actually clear more dirt and oil from the skin than traditional face shaving can.
Costs for Dermaplaning
Dermaplaning can be an expensive treatment where it is charged per session as it can only be performed by a certified beauty therapist or a certified dermatologist. Costs per session may vary depending on the cost of living in your area and the provider you choose. If you want to try dermaplaning, be prepared to spend up to $250 on one 30-minute session of dermaplaning!
Dermaplaning Treatment at Home
When dermaplaning became popular, many brands started to market new, cheap ‘dermaplaning treatment at home’ tools. These tools may have not yielded the results that you were possibly hoping for due to the lack in quality, thereby increasing the risks of razor burns, infections and breakouts whilst undergoing an unpleasant experience.
Unlike most dermablades in the market, our CheekyGlo Dermablades are made with fine-tooth protective guards for easy and safe use. This prevents the razor from cutting or harming the skin so that you can achieve flawless skin easily. You can now dermablade your skin at home and say goodbye to peach fuzz, unwanted facial hair and dead skin! Plus, you can use them to shape your eyebrows, hairline and even for a quick shave on small areas of your body.
The best part? Our blades are made from wheat straw, making them an eco-friendlier choice than plastic alternatives.
See what our customers say..
Side Effects of Dermaplaning
Most people have little to no irritation or reaction from dermaplaning but you may experience slight redness on your face in the first few minutes. Dermaplaning isn’t recommended if you have inflammatory skin conditions such as:
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Sunburn
But dermaplaning can be used for any skin type and anyone with the following:
- Scars
- Dull skin
- Dry skin
- Sun-damaged skin
- Fine wrinkles
Dermaplaning Myths
If you found this helpful, consider sharing it with others that are struggling with uneven, flaky dry skin and are unsure of how to manage it!